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Grindhouse: Special Edition Blu-Ray

Grindhouse: Special Edition Blu-Ray

You saw Grindhouse in the theaters and you probably even own the director’s cuts of Planet Terror and Death Proof  – so what’s the point of the Special Edition Blu-ray? For starters, there are two hours of bonus content. Robert Rodriguez’s 10 Min Cooking School. Greg Nicotero Makeup/Effects. Extended Trailer “Werewolf Women of the SS”. Hot Rods of Death Proof. Storyboards. Death Proof deleted scenes and gag real. From Texas to Tennessee, the look of Death Proof. In and of themselves, the additional content alone is worth the $23, but you also get the whole “theatrical experience” because this special edition runs 3hrs long just like it did in the theater. In case you forgot, Rose McGowan with a machine gun leg. In Blu-Ray.