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Spar Zephyr Portable Speaker

Spar Zephyr Portable Speaker

These days, portable speakers that connect to your cell phone are kind of like energy drinks – everyone with any amount of star power has their name on one, and most of them suck. The Spar Zephyr breaks that mold. Yeah, it does the stuff all the other guys do: syncs with bluetooth or a cable, recharges via USB, fits in your pocket and is available in a few different colors. We get it, and we’re bored with the formula. Where Spar really excels with the Zephyr is in its MacGuyver like add on features. Sure, it will let you blast cat videos on the bus like all the other ones, but it will also recharge your phone in the process. You might be able to hear your Bieber wherever, but it will also allow everyone else to hear you because it can also be a speakerphone. It’s not so much a speaker as it is a solution to all your mobile woes.