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Recipes Every Man Should Know

Recipes Every Man Should Know

Before they get to copyright information or any sort of Table of Contents, Recipes Every Man Should Know declares, “This book is for hungry guys,” so we were like, “Yup, that sounds about right,” and picked ourselves up a copy.  Even if your kitchen skill-set has progressed beyond, “What’s a boning knife and why does it sound so hilarious?” this book primarily aimed at the novice male chef can still find a spot on your bookshelf.  While it covers all the basics, the meat of it (pun very much intended) is hearty man recipes.  Now, we don’t mean that in some “Twilight Zone – How to Serve Man” sort of way, we mean it’s loaded with recipes that involve beer, bacon and ground beef.  Filing foods for breakfast, lunch, after-lunch snacks (burgers), dinner and dessert will become simple with the straightforward recipes included.