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HipstaCase 100

HipstaCase 100

With long-lost items like Bonkers and Giggles cookies, sometimes we forget the awesomeness the 80’s had to offer. Like the plastic cameras that turned everyone into David LaChapelle. Whether you were taking pictures of your G.I. Joe’s staging a coup on a group of unsuspecting Barbie Dolls or were trying to take more artistic shots, those plastic cameras were stashed somewhere in your house. Now if your main means of taking a few shots is your iPhone 4 you can bring back a little of that nostalgia with the HipstaCase 100.  Designed to look like the plastic camera you had years ago, the HipstaCase 100 protects your iPhone and gives it that retro vibe we tend to be suckers for.  It’s even got a hidden tripod adapter in the front so you could mount your iPhone for steadier shots.  So break out a Hostess Ninja Turtles Pie and go snap a few pics.