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Eton Mobius iPhone 4 Battery Pack

Eton Mobius iPhone 4 Battery Pack

Sooner or later, all batteries die. This isn’t a huge catastrophe when they’re in a device like a remote or a razor because you can just flip channels manually and go with the rugged look for a day or three. Or, you can just pop in new batteries from the “junk” drawer in your kitchen. Not the case with your precious iPhone. When that baby dies you have approximately five minutes to get to the nearest wall outlet or your world will come crashing down around you…or so we’re led to believe. Eton is helping you sever ties with the wall (it is a mobile phone after all) using the giant ball of gas we know as the sun. Plug the Mobius into your iPhone and charge up whenever – without a huge electric bill. With the Eton Mobius, harnessing the power of the sun isn’t just for Superman anymore.