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Joseph Robinson Z Electric Motorcycle Concept

Joseph Robinson Z Electric Motorcycle Concept

From large, household brand names to small upstarts, electric motorcycles are all the rage these days, and for good reason. Sooner or later, we’re going to run out of fossil fuels and, even if that weren’t on the horizon, there’s something to be said for instant power and torque delivered with no delay. Which brings us to the Joseph Robinson Z Electric Motorcycle Concept. While we refuse to pass judgement until we actually get to ride it, this conceptual bike has all the trimmings of one of the best electric motorcycles. It has Tron-style good looks and riding position. It has a 30 kw/h battery that can be easily removed and changed for additional additional adventures. It has a front fork that houses the strut tower and fold-away handlebars. In other words, it’s an electric motorcycle that we’d happily ride all around the city if it ever gets produced.