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Teamosa Makes the Perfect Cup of Tea

Teamosa Makes the Perfect Cup of Tea

Launched out of the HAX hardware accelerator by a family team with more than three decades of tea growing experience, Teamosa makes your perfect cup of tea. Teamosa uses ultrasonic extraction to enhance antioxidants and aroma rapidly. That ultrasonic extraction process allows Teamosa to create a perfect cup of tea using one of their pods (think paper K-Cup) or your own loose leaf tea without heating water too hot or steeping leaves too long, which will damage the good properties of the tea. The team at Teamosa also built an app that allows you to customize temperature, strength and cup size, along with allowing you to schedule a brew in advance. Teamosa has a little over a month left for their Kickstarter project, but the funding goal has already been reached. Delivery of Teamosa is estimated to be in December of 2018.