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Hollywood Star Charts

Hollywood Star Charts

If we wanted to hang every piece of art we own (not even every one we’ve written about) there probably wouldn’t be a single square inch of wall or ceiling space left. We like each of every one of them, but we’re being much more curatorial about the pieces that we pick up for ourselves because there just isn’t space to hang everything anymore. These Hollywood Star Charts from the collective Dorothy are getting dedicated wall space because of their whimsy, history and cool factor. You get two options for the charts based on the same principle–a star chart of one particular date and location, mapped out in film constellations composed of their leading stars. Golden Age is based on the night sky over LA October 6, 1927–the release date of The Jazz Singer–and covers until the 60s. Modern Day is based on the night sky over New York on June 16, 1960–the first showing of Psycho–and covers until present.