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What to Watch This Weekend: The Mars Generation

What to Watch This Weekend: The Mars Generation

With cable, Netflix, and internet options, finding the best thing to watch during your downtime is difficult. Instead of flipping through menus all weekend and settling on nothing, turn to What to Watch This Weekend, a series in which we give you our pick for the best new show or movie available.

Since we were little boys rocking Star Wars PJs, we’ve dreamed of outer space. Our dreams, however, will always remain just that, dreams. For the kids currently at Space Camp, those dreams are much closer to becoming reality, and they might just be the first humans to visit Mars. The Mars Generation, a new documentary on Netflix, follows the “space nerds” (their term, not ours) while weaving in interviews with NASA employees, who discuss the administration’s efforts over the years. The moon was once the goal; for these kids, it’s the Red Planet. Oh, also, Neil deGrasse Tyson and Bill Nye make appearances, so, yeah, you should watch.