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Moleskine Evernote Journals Are Easily Digitized

Moleskine Evernote Journals Are Easily Digitized

As much as we love Evernote (really, we use it for everything), we wouldn’t be able to survive without pocket notebooks. Yes, Evernote has fantastic web, mobile and application options for just about any device under the sun, but we really like writing things in pocket notebooks because of their convenience and the fact you can do it when other human beings around–without them thinking you’re ignoring them. When Moleskine announced their smart notebook with scannable stickers and Evernote digitizing we were excited about the possibilities… until we saw the price tag. But now they have a two pack of 32-page journals (16 detachable pages per book), with the same smart stickers, that’s actually affordable. There’s even a pocket in the back of the notebook to hold loose notes, which are really just the ones you have to rip out to photograph because you wrote too close to the spine. We’re on board.