Even though you can’t use it to pay for drinks or peanuts on an airplane, cash is king. There’s nothing worse than drunkenly getting into cab with your home address written on your hand and trying to pay for the trip home with a credit card. If the cabbie is even willing to take plastic, something’s going to get screwed up. You’re going to get charged twice, forget your card and/or wallet, tip way too much, the list goes on. When you need that last little bit of cash you don’t trust yourself to keep in your wallet, there’s the Barrett Alley Smuggler’s Belt. The tiny hidden compartment on the belt stays closed while you’re wearing it and is handmade with US vegetable tanned cowhide and a hand-forged buckle. Barrett Alley is so confident in the construction that it’s also guaranteed for life. Plus, secret compartment. Everyone loves secret compartments.
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