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Darth Vader Makes an Appearance in the New ‘Rogue One’ Trailer

Darth Vader Makes an Appearance in the New ‘Rogue One’ Trailer

Somewhere between Michael Phelps winning his 6,000th gold medal and the women’s gymnastics team obliterating the world, NBC gave us a little bit more awesomeness by way of the new Rogue One: A Star Wars Story trailer. Listen, we’ll be honest, we haven’t been too bullish on the whole expanding the Star Wars universe thing, but we can’t sit here and say we’re not excited by this trailer. We mean, you’ve got fucking Ip Man wrecking shit, you’ve got Naz, from The Night Of, in on the action, and then you’ve got a quick look at Darth Vader. We’re not sure it’s going to be any good, but we’re digging this trailer. Check it out for yourself.