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Rogue One

Showing 2 results for articles tagged with Rogue One:

Darth Vader Makes an Appearance in the New ‘Rogue One’ Trailer

Somewhere between Michael Phelps winning his 6,000th gold medal and the women's gymnastics team obliterating the world, NBC gave us a little bit more awesomeness by way of the new Rogue One: A Star Wars Story trailer. Listen, we'll be honest, we haven't been too bullish on the whole expanding the…

Darth Vader Makes an Appearance in the New ‘Rogue One’ Trailer
‘Rogue One: A Star Wars Story’ Teaser Trailer

Yes, we all want Episode 8 to arrive as soon as possible, but for Star Wars fans jonesing for something, anything, you need only wait til December. That's because, despite not getting the publicity that The Force Awakens got, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story will arrive in theaters. It's the first standalone story…

‘Rogue One: A Star Wars Story’ Teaser Trailer
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