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When the Internet Finally Connected Itself to my Couch… [SPONSORED]

When the Internet Finally Connected Itself to my Couch… [SPONSORED]

I’m old enough to remember when getting a TV with a remote control was a big deal. It used to be you needed to get up each time and change the channel by hand or yell at your kid to do it (that was me and my dad). Next came the wired remotes, which were better than nothing, but they got tangled in the cat (or the kid) all the time. When wireless remotes finally arrived, we knew we had made it because everything that mattered was now fully accessible from one’s indented spot on the couch. And things were very, very good.

Then the whole Internet thing happened and everything went downhill. Okay, I’m exaggerating, but it was really inconvenient. You’re watching a show and you want to know something about it. You have to get up and go to the computer in the other room, or worse yet, find where you put your smartphone. The whole world switched to the net and here I was stuck with a TV remote that only caught half of what mattered anymore. Something had to be done.

Well, it was. Say hello to the LG Smart TV with Google TV. Finally, the full buffet of the Internet and the absolute best of on-demand-TV have melded themselves together as one. LG’s Smart TV with Google TV actually links the web and the TV universe together like never before. And you can see it! In massive widescreen! In glorious HD – and even 3D, too!

No more squinting at tiny screens or going back and forth between computer and TV to find something. Just use your TV like always and access Facebook, Youtube, Netflix, Google Play, and many more apps. The mouse and keyboard are on LG’s magic remote, so you don’t have to leave your couch … ever! Order pizza, get a movie, pay a bill, take out a mortgage, whatever.

If being able to do all this while your butt is jammed on the couch isn’t proof of a bonafide technological revolution, then nothing is. You owe it to yourself to check out the latest innovations, starting with the LG Smart TV with Google TV first. I can promise, you won’t be disappointed.

Now where is that darn remote, anyway?!