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Fanhattan App

Fanhattan App

We’ll admit that this Fanhattan app is far better than the Fanhattan app we dreamt up – one that shows you all the touristy spots in NYC – and unlike ours it happens to be free (we were planning on charging $375 a download – hey, you gotta make money somehow).  Fanhattan is a new iPad app that lets you search for movies and TV shows in iTunes, Hulu and Netflix in one simple interface.  If you’re a movie nut it’s basically going to be your go to app now.  Fanhattan even includes reviews from Rotten Tomatoes and Metacritic.  Even take your fandom a step further if you love a movie or happen to fall in love with a movie after finding it through Fanhattan, because it’ll help you with soundtrack info and getting fan merchandise.  Plus, based on the chosen example screenshots – The Big Lebowski, we feel a kinship with the creators.