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The Roundup

9 Great Websites Every Guy Should Know
The Roundup
9 Great Websites Every Guy Should Know

The Cool Material team spends a lot of time working to be the best resource for stuff guys want. A lot goes into curating the best of the internet, the best whiskeys every guy needs to know, the top watches in every price range, the coolest vintage rides, and the…

Web’s Best: Steak Sandwiches
The Roundup
Web’s Best: Steak Sandwiches

You don't need to take sides in the Pat's vs. Geno's war or know what "wiz wit" means to appreciate a good steak sandwich. In fact, you don't even have to make anything remotely similar to what you'd get on the streets of Philly. A great steak sandwich is easy…

12 Bad-Ass Chess Sets
The Roundup
12 Bad-Ass Chess Sets

The game of chess is a timeless classic, challenging players from 6th century India all the way up to today. We can’t tell you how much it’s changed in those 1500 years, but we can tell you modern people are putting their own spin on it. They’re changing up pieces,…

Menswear Dog

Dream all you want, you'll never have the style that Menswear Dog has. It's effortless. It's unforced. He can even attract bitches wearing searsucker. The internet icon's popularity has been slowly growing and we think some of these shots are the reason why. View more at Menswear Dog

Full Metal Cruise

If you get sea sick just from stepping foot on a boat, this may not be for you. Not only will you deal with the waves, but you'll be doing so while headbanging on a stomach full of booze. This is the Full Metal Cruise. The cruise, which recently set…

Game of Thrones Characters from the 80’s and 90’s

You've probably been wondering what Game of Thrones would look like if it took place in the 80's. We mean, who hasn't? Finally, you can put this question to rest thanks to Mike Wrobel. The graphic designer just put together these seriously cool renditions of some of the characters if…


You spent a lot of time growing out that epic beard of yours, now it's high time you start reaping the benefits. Not just the benefits of having incredibly luscious facial hair, but actual financial benefits. Say hello to Beardvertising. Now you can cash in on all that unused real estate growing…

Erdal Inci Cloned GIFs

Now that we all know it is pronounced "Jif," we can go right back to pronouncing it the wrong way because it sounds better. If you want to check out some awesome ones by the way, take a gander at the work of Erdal Inci. Using images of himself, the…
