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The Roundup

9 Great Websites Every Guy Should Know
The Roundup
9 Great Websites Every Guy Should Know

The Cool Material team spends a lot of time working to be the best resource for stuff guys want. A lot goes into curating the best of the internet, the best whiskeys every guy needs to know, the top watches in every price range, the coolest vintage rides, and the…

Web’s Best: Steak Sandwiches
The Roundup
Web’s Best: Steak Sandwiches

You don't need to take sides in the Pat's vs. Geno's war or know what "wiz wit" means to appreciate a good steak sandwich. In fact, you don't even have to make anything remotely similar to what you'd get on the streets of Philly. A great steak sandwich is easy…

12 Bad-Ass Chess Sets
The Roundup
12 Bad-Ass Chess Sets

The game of chess is a timeless classic, challenging players from 6th century India all the way up to today. We can’t tell you how much it’s changed in those 1500 years, but we can tell you modern people are putting their own spin on it. They’re changing up pieces,…

Famous Blades

If you read our link roundup posts, you've probably seen Federico Mauro's work before. Both his "Famous Shoes" and "Famous Guns" collections were worthy of sharing. For his latest set of work, he turned his attention on some of the sharp and devilish objects seen in movies, TV, and pop…

7 New Apps You Should Know

Since new apps get released at an incredible rate, we figured it only fair to keep you abreast of the best. Stop sifting through all the terrible games and little life helpers to find some gems and break out your iPhone, iPad or Android device and get to downloading some…

The Winners of Red Bull’s Sports Photography Contest

With around 28,000 entries coming in, the winners of Red Bull's Illume Sports Photography contest sure earned their snap-shooting medals. The insane amount of photos made the contest one of the largest ever. The winning entry came from a German snowboarding photographer, but, based on some of these other photos,…

Star Wars Ship Posters

We're just going to come right out and say that it's about time someone took the minimalist poster approach to some of the coolest supporting characters from the Star Wars universe--the ships. DeviantArt user WeaponIX made up posters of the Jedi Starfighter, Sith Infiltrator, Slave I, X-Wing and the TIE…

Everyday Carry: 1900-1920

It may not have been called "everyday carry," but men have always had a selection of gear they traveled with on a daily basis. Obviously, the items themselves have evolved over time and others have been added as they've become popular. In this series, we'll take a look back at some…
