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The Roundup

9 Great Websites Every Guy Should Know
The Roundup
9 Great Websites Every Guy Should Know

The Cool Material team spends a lot of time working to be the best resource for stuff guys want. A lot goes into curating the best of the internet, the best whiskeys every guy needs to know, the top watches in every price range, the coolest vintage rides, and the…

Web’s Best: Steak Sandwiches
The Roundup
Web’s Best: Steak Sandwiches

You don't need to take sides in the Pat's vs. Geno's war or know what "wiz wit" means to appreciate a good steak sandwich. In fact, you don't even have to make anything remotely similar to what you'd get on the streets of Philly. A great steak sandwich is easy…

12 Bad-Ass Chess Sets
The Roundup
12 Bad-Ass Chess Sets

The game of chess is a timeless classic, challenging players from 6th century India all the way up to today. We can’t tell you how much it’s changed in those 1500 years, but we can tell you modern people are putting their own spin on it. They’re changing up pieces,…

State Bicycle Co. Contender Series

Even without the hot, tattooed blonde in lingerie, the photo shoot for the new Contender Series from State Bicycle Co. contained porn... bike porn. But then there's also the hot, tattooed blonde in lingerie (Alysha Nett, if you were wondering) and, well, you get the idea. They teamed up with…

The Labels of Prairie Artisan Ales

Prairie Artisan Ales crafts some really, really good beers. If you haven't had the pleasure, get your hands on some Bomb! or any of their farmhouse ales whenever you have the chance. One of the other reasons we dig the Oklahoma brewery is the artwork on their labels. We had…

Famous Movie Cars by Nicolas Bannister

We've seen plenty of movies where the car or vehicle in it was really the star of the show. French illustrator, Nicolas Bannister, clearly has as well. His series of Famous Movie Cars takes the four-wheeled icons from some well-known films and displays them in all their glory. From the…

Breaking Bad Posters For Every Episode

Apparently there are other television shows on Sunday night. We learned this interesting fact when we didn't have a new episode of Breaking Bad to look forward to this past weekend. Thanks to artist Francesco Francavilla, you can relive every episode of one of the greatest shows of all time…

The World’s Most Expensive Car

And you thought the Bugatti Veyron was expensive. This 1963 Ferrari 250 GTO, while making the Veyron look like a Yugo, reportedly sold for $52 million. That number is staggering so we will write it out. $52,000,000. Who sold their soul to the devil to buy this, you ask? Well,…