Men demand a lot from their stuff, even if they don’t use it that often. If we didn’t, you would still be using a non-riding, non-gas-propelled lawnmower and riding around in a Toyota Prius. What fun would that be? None. Zero. No fun. Umbrellas are utilitarian products that most people are used to buying whenever it rains and throwing them out when the wind destroys it. The Unbreakable Umbrella fixes the problems you didn’t even know you had. Mainly the ability to bridge small gaps (makes rooftop pursuits manageable), slice watermelons (take that Gallagher), and beat the shit out of punching bag. Until we figure out how to stop rain indefinitely, the $190 Unbreakable Umbrella is the best option.
We get it. $190 is a lot of money to spend on an umbrella, so why not let us hook you up with a Crooked Unbreakable Umbrella for free?
Contest Closed – Congrats to @InvaderEvan
Follow Cool Material on Twitter and tweet the following (without the quotes obviously):
“Win the Unbreakable Umbrella from @CoolMaterial RT to win!”
This time it really is just that simple. We’ll pick a winner 10/8.