Just like collecting new sizes and colors of iPods, collecting iPhone apps can become quite addicting, not to mention expensive. That’s why we’ve narrowed it down to the 15 Coolest iPhone Apps available. Don’t get lost, be without a witty pick up line or struggle to remember the name of a song ever again.
Bargain Bin
We all know that a hipster having the coolest iPhone apps is to a yuppie having a Lamborghini, but alas, you’ve already spent all of your cash on the iPhone. But don’t fret, pick of Bargain Bin, a free app that lets you know when other apps are on sale. Sort by Bargain or Free and build your library of impressive and excessive apps with ease! FREE Source
Band Name Generator
One of the most important decisions a Rock Band can make is choosing a Band Name. Your band’s name will reflect the essence of the band, and the decision could potentially break you up before your first gig. Therefore it shouldn’t be taken lightly. A decision this important could effect your game forever, and Sleepy Homicide Kittens will never make it to the top with a lesser name. That’s why you need Band Name Generator. $0.99 Source
Sometimes you’re just already too hammered to relay your favorite drink to the bartender… or that weird chick you went home with. It’s a good thing there’s iDrink, which contains 4500 cocktail recipes, and lets you edit or add your own concoctions. And if you’re not concerned what exactly what kind of booze goes in you, there’s a fun randomize button to help you really mix things up. $4.99 Source
There’s nothing worse than when you’re at a party, you meet the perfect hottie and this awesome song is playing, except you have no idea what it is. How the heck are you going to impress her later by playing the song you heard when you met if you don’t know what it was? Don’t worry, just pull it out (it meaning your iPhone) and let Shazam do the rest. Shazam, a completely free app, helps you identify that tune and track down where to purchase it. FREE

Impress the babes by telling them you’re a drummer… they don’t have to know that you mean that you HAVE Drummer, the iPhone app. It’s not really a lie that you’ve played drums for famous bands because Drummer lets you play over your MP3s adding your own unique sound to your favorite songs. (For Jailbroken iPhones) Source
How to Text a Girl
So you’re just gonna text her “Hey QT” and you really think she’s going to respond? Your texts should be as charming as real life conversation and each one should be crafted to fit the girl and the occasion. How to Text a Girl helps walk you through texting, flirting, making plans and breaking the ice painlessly with real advice from real girls. For $0.99 your love life can’t afford for you to NOT to pick up this app. $0.99 Source
It can be hard to find a restaurant in a new territory that suits your tastes and needs, especially when you’re in a large group and no one can decide. The Urbanspoon iPhone app is up for the challenge and helps you find something you need on the fly. A quick shake and Urbanspoon gives you options based on your GPS location and popularity. FREE Source
Sure, digital readers rock our faces off, but if you already have an iPhone, do you really need another electronic device? Well yeah, but let’s pretend that we’re practical. Stanza offers you a huge selection of books and periodicals that’s easy to read, share and customize. The coolest part might be how you turn the page with a flick. FREE Source
Enjoy the freedom of sightseeing in Paris without paying some smelly French guy to show you around. Avoid getting bad directions from a disgruntled New Yorker. Near+Now lists all the cool locations like clubs, bars, restaurants or other great places to see based on your current location. The suggestions get better as you rate things you like, Near+Now will make similar suggestions. FREE SourceSource
Social networking is nothing new, but GPS based social networking on your phone… that’s something to blog about. Brightkite hooks you up with local people near by your current location letting you chat and possibly meet up. It’s a great way to meet new people or find some company during a lonely trip. FREE Source
If you’re a part of the twittersphere, we don’t need to tell you that the best info on Twitter is retweeted for others to see. So logically, the best way to find great Tweets is to look for Retweets. Retweet for the iPhone helps you find the best Twitter content out there. Find new people to follow or look like you’re in the know with all of your new awesome Re-retweets.Source
Tip Master
A real gentleman knows how to leave a tip, not just for a meal, but for any service properly rendered. Tip Master helps you easily determine what the right tip based on amount and how you’d rate the service. The built in calculator helps you split the bill as well. If you’ve already determined the proper tip amount, Tip Master lets you simply calculate a percentage. $0.99 Source
101 Pick Up Lines
Women are all suckers for cheesy pick up lines, I mean, why else would we keep using them, right? 101 Pick Up Lines includes some classics like “Are you from Tennessee? ‘Cause you’re the only TEN I see” to some new favorites like “Do you have any raisins? No? How about a date?” If none of these work, try impressing her with your shiny iPhone. $0.99 Source
Have2P Restroom Locator
The best things in life are free, like the Have2P iPhone app that helps you find nearby bathrooms on the quick. The emphasize on QUICK comes in with the GPS feature that quickly finds the closest restrooms to your exact location. If you’ve got the time to be a little picky, the app features reviews as to the level of cleanliness and whether or not you have to be a customer. FREE Source
Can I Drive Yet
Okay, this one kind of breaks the rules a bit, because it’s actually an iPhone friendly website, but think of it as a free app. Can I Drive Yet determines whether or not you’re ready to hit the road after a few brews. Using national blood alcohol standards, how many drinks you’ve had, your weight and tolerance level, Can I drive Yet gives you an idea of how long you should wait before getting behind the wheel. FREE Source