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The Hip-Hop Flow Chart Ranks Rappers By The Size of Their Vocabulary

The Hip-Hop Flow Chart Ranks Rappers By The Size of Their Vocabulary

When you were growing up and pretending to be a rapper, your lines probably included a lot of basic rhymes. You probably have a cassette somewhere that starts with, “My name is (blank) and I’m here to say, ” and then it proceeds to rhyme “say” with “day” or “way.” The pros have a slightly larger lexicon. The latest print from Pop Chart Lab highlights 100 lyricists and color-codes them by the amount of unique words used in their first 35,000 lyrics (around 3-5 albums). The poster was created with the help of Matt Daniels, and was adopted from his original “Largest Vocabulary in Hip-Hop.” Apparently Aesop Rock has never repeated a word.