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Rockett St. George Vintage Wingback Chair

Rockett St. George Vintage Wingback Chair

Every man needs a place – even if it’s closer in size to a closet or doubles as your living room – where he can be productive, work on forearm muscles individually, or just escape responsibility. This place needs something that conveys your power, importance, and general disdain for monotony – it needs a throne. Your seat of power can’t be any random chair so Target and that crazy Swedish store are out. You need something big, comfortable, and capable of conveying that you probably run an evil empire on the side.

Which is where the Rockett St. George 1960’s Vintage Bus Blind Wingback Chair (it starts life as the James Bond Blofeld chair) comes in. But Rockett St. George doesn’t just stop at giving you what is described as the “most comfortable chair in the world.” They took the vintage chair and reupholstered it with black faux leather and a vintage bus blind. The end result is a chair that’s so awesome you’ll never want to get out of it. Which is good because it’s going to take a huge amount of sitting to justify the cost.