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Databots Is an AI Death Metal Band Streaming Non-Stop on YouTube

Databots Is an AI Death Metal Band Streaming Non-Stop on YouTube

We’ll be the first to admit that we don’t always want death metal blaring into our ears and rattling our brains around. There’s a time and a place for the highly technical and impressive genre. If the team behind Databots has their way, that time is from now until infinity and the place is YouTube. The brainchild of musicians CJ Carr and Zach Zukowski, Databots is a neural network that produces original, algorithmically generated music after being trained on similar pieces. The latest piece, dubbed Relentless Doppelganger, is a 24/7 YouTube livestream or technical death metal based on the Canadian band Archspire that will run until the end of time (or the end of YouTube). Even if death metal isn’t your cup of tea, the fact that something like this is possible is nothing short of mind-blowing. There are also a few Databots “albums” featuring original creations based on NOFX and Dillinger Escape Plan if punk is more your speed.