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Postage Paid Playing Cards

Postage Paid Playing Cards

Whether you’re playing a no-stakes game of War with your nieces and nephews, a friendly game of Hearts or an all-in game of Texas Hold Em, every household needs a great deck of playing cards to live up to the occasion. That’s where the Kings Wild Project comes in. With previous hits like the Kings Wild Project VHS Playing Cards, there’s no denying that this brand knows how to make some of the best looking playing cards out there. There latest piece / collection / deck–depending on how you want to define 52+ individual pieces of work as art–is the Postage Paid Playing Card Deck, and like everything they’ve released before, it’s nothing short of amazing. Originally inspired by their close, playing card collector friend Joseph Pierson, this deck combines playing card “postcard” ephemera with modern production methods to create a deck that plays as well as any other while being filled with the kind of vintage cool you wouldn’t expect in this day and age.

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