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Must Have Mustache Gear

Must Have Mustache Gear

Mustaches have always been cool. Ok, that’s not entirely true. They had a bit of a falling out with popular culture during the 90s, but they’re back for the time being. This time, it’s not about saving flavor for later, it’s about saving Men everywhere from prostate cancer. For thirty days every year, we steal the hairy face crown back from hipsters everywhere and turn November into Movember in the name of changing the face of men’s health. Here’s all the sweet mustache gear you need to get through the month formerly known as November, or just to have because mustaches are cool.

1. Mustache Wallet – $30
2. Mustache Shaped Flask – $18
3. Tie Bar – $9
4. Handlebar Corkscrew – $11
5. Humunga Stache – $17
6. Movember Mustache Steins – $60
7. Great Mustaches Mug – $13
8. Sanchez Gloves – $24
9. Cowboy Comb – $6
10. Beermo Bottle Mustache (6 Pack) – $11

Cool Material doesn’t “officially” have a team this year, but check out these other teams and send some dollar bills their way because every little bit helps.

Team Hair Up There (Ben Dahl of Cool Material)
Team Art of Manliness USA 
Team Guns N’ Mo’ses (Guyism Style Editor and Friends)
Team Park and Bond