Sylvie Florman
The Coolest Food and Drink Trends of 2025
For 2025, we’re already seeing the rise of perhaps the most complex concept of all: simplicity.

The 7 Best Non-Alcoholic Spirits to Drink Year-Round
Whether you abstain from alcohol altogether or just trying to consume a little less, you’ve got some truly fantastic options.

Mill’s Food Recycler Is an Eco-Friendly Kitchen Essential
Here’s why I love Mill’s smart food recycler—a must-have in any modern home. Even hot, cramped apartments like mine.

7 Stunning Gifts That Marry Health and Innovation
These are our favorite items for anyone interested in making 2025 their healthiest year yet.

6 Compression Socks That Will Change the Way You Travel
Well-seasoned travelers know that compression socks are the key to a comfortable travel day, no matter the airline class or seating size.

I Love These Boat Coolers for Just About Any Occasion
Planning long-weekend adventures can be stressful, but packing for a day on the water shouldn’t be.

9 Beach Reads for Every Type of Guy
Yes, beach reads are for men, too. These page-turners prove it.

Supersmash Ping-Pong Paddles Are Part Art Piece, Part Rec-Room Fun
The coolest table-tennis gear you'll ever see.

6 Host Gifts That Will Get You Invited Back
Hosting is a laborious and often thankless task. Be a better house guest with one of these gifts that go beyond the cliché bottle of wine.

Non-Alcoholic Beer for 2024: 10 Cans for a Hangover-Free Summer
Once an afterthought at best, breweries are now making non-alcoholic beers in many styles that are just as delicious as traditional beers.