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REI Storm Proof Matches

REI Storm Proof Matches

When it starts to pour, some guys decide to move their camping trip to the nearest Holiday Inn. Others, however, hunker down and don’t act like pansies. Instead of being one of those guys who warms up by adjusting the thermostat, pack a box of REI’s Storm Proof Matches for your next expedition. Just like the postal service, neither rain nor snow will stop them from working (they’ll also, however, work on holidays and Sundays). Each match won’t go out until the chemical has burned off, so you can light a fire no matter what the conditions (though you’re on your own keeping it going if the weather is that bad). They work in severe wind, heavy rain and even stay lit when wet. Plus, the 2 ¾ inch sticks provide ample space so you won’t burn your fingers when using them, which is good since they’d probably be numb.