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Loupedeck Is an Editing Console for Lightroom

Loupedeck Is an Editing Console for Lightroom

If you spend any amount of time in Lightroom doing post production on your photos, you’re going to want one of these Loudedeck editing consoles. Similar in size to a small keyboard, Loupedeck was specifically designed to make the entire editing process a lot easier by giving you physical buttons and dials for all but the most obscure options. There are individual buttons for undo and redo, picture sorting by color or rating, before and after comparison, zoom, copy, paste and develop. There are individual dials for everything from blacks and whites to shadows and highlights. Configurable preset shortcuts and individual adjustments for color channels. Outside of a starting image and a copy of Lightroom, Loupedeck has everything you need to make taking your photos to the next level simple, quick and enjoyable.