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LaMetric Is A Customizable Digital Dashboard For Your Life

LaMetric Is A Customizable Digital Dashboard For Your Life

More than a few companies have tried to create cool gadgets to give you head’s up displays of whatever you decide is important in your life, but most of them end up just looking like decent digital clocks that display almost unreadable fonts with stock and weather updates. What if you want to know about upcoming calendar appointments, important emails, workouts, social media mentions, when your dog’s outside, or RSS updates? Thanks to its uniquely hackable and customizable software, LaMetric does all of that and more. The 3″ x 9″ package houses an 8×8 block of color pixels for icons and pictures and a a 29×8 block of white pixels for actual information. Navigation between your “tickers” is also easy thanks to the buttons on top, and configuring the display is as simple as launching the app and deciding what you want to know about. If the project raises enough money on Kickstarter you’ll also be able to listen to Internet radio and combine multiple LaMetrics for a longer display.