Mens Rings
Showing 34 results for articles tagged with Mens Rings:
Goods: Brass Jewelry
Brass is often an overlooked metal, being not as shiny as gold and not as widely utilized as sterling silver. It’s technically an alloy made between copper and zinc, but that doesn’t really matter. What does matter is that it can give even the most mundane everyday items new life.…

Titanium Utility Ring
Spending a significant amount of money on a piece of jewelry is a dicey situation for most guys. Rings and bracelets and necklaces are cool, but is it really worth more than $50? We're in the same boat as you. Before today, the only ring we could see spending a…

Billiard Ball Rings
It should come as no surprise to any of you that we're pretty big fans of jewelry here at Cool Material. But we're also not interested in the average, or run-of-the-mill when it comes to our bodily accoutrements. Enter designer Eleanor Salazar. Using used pool balls, she creates rings that…

Silver Mechanical Ring
Using hardware materials for things other than their intended purpose is nothing new--Galvanized gas pipe shelves, rope lamps made with mason jars, the list goes on and on. Now, rather than just furniture and light fixtures, you can have hardware store jewelry too. The strap on bolt clamp style ring…

Nut Dice Ring
Some the biggest decisions in our lives were made with the flip of a coin or the roll of a die. Why do you think we got married? Problem is, sometimes you don't have a quarter in your pocket, and carrying around a pair of dice makes you look like…

44 Caliber Pistol Ring
Men's jewelry is all the rage these days. From celebrities to average joes, men are strapping on bracelets, sliding on rings and clasping necklaces like never before. It's not that there isn't something cool about what they're trying to say, but if they told you fanny packs were cool again…

Custom Silver State Coin Rings
Jewelry, specifically rings, doesn't make sense all the time. You have to find something unique, something different and something classy. You also can't over do the rings because then you'll end up looking like a goth from high school and no one wants that. These custom double sided silver coin…

Dog State Design Rings
If we could, we’d pay to have an extra finger surgically added to one of our hands just so we could rock another ring from Dog State Design. Every single one of Toshi/T-Dog Junior’s rings is the guy equivalent of a flawless Tiffany’s masterpiece. Crafted with an eye for detail,…

Titanium Tire Tread Ring
Nothing says "Even though I'm in a serious relationship and have a real job, I still think about my bad boy days" quite like a titanium ring shaped like a tire tread. Just because you choose (however begrudgingly) not to attend Jager-bomb Wednesdays does not mean you have to completely…

Bottle Opener Rings
A wedding band has long been the only ring that actually accomplishes multiple things. It both signifies that you’re a married man but it also, by some weird law of nature, attracts more women. (Single guys, give it a shot.) Now, you can buy a ring that also serves two…

Beat Poet Concrete Rings
Wearing concrete used to mean going for a nice, eternal swim with the fishes. Under those conditions, there probably aren't any women in bikinis around either and since those are the only circumstances we swim under, we're not interested. Beat Poet is reclaiming concrete from strictly utilitarian purposes (offing narcs,…

Toby Jones Bandaid Ring
Along with aspirin and condoms, bandaids are one of modern medicine's most important gifts to men everywhere. There isn't much that can't be fixed with a bandaid and Toby Jones appreciates the fact that, at any given time, a man is probably wearing a bandaid. We understand that the functionality…

J. W. Anderson Circle Rings
On a man, a ring can say a lot about you as a person - even if it's confusing. Yeah, you might have "already ordered," but that doesn't mean you can't look at the menu. She might even find you desirable enough to make you the happy hour special. Getting…

Sterling Hot Rod Rings
Sure, jewelry and hot rods don't exactly go hand in hand in the minds of many. They're sort of antithetical actually, and putting them together is a bit like setting up a lunch date between Zac Efron and Sylvester Stallone: it'd just be... weird. Take a gander at Etsy merchant hioctanejewelry and…

Bottle Opener Ring
It's a well documented fact on Cool Material that - much like boobs - adding a bottle opener to anything instantly makes it better. Rings and weapons are no different. A ring that happens to double as brass knuckles and a beer opener is the closest thing to perfection that…