Showing 6 results for articles tagged with HP:
HP’s New Voice-Controlled Printer Is Designed to Work With Your Phone
We thought we were past the point where we needed a printer at home, but we're going to make an exception for the new HP Tango Smart Home Printer. The biggest selling point is that it's designed to work with your smartphone and your smart home for simple wireless printing.…
The HP ZBook X2 Is the World’s Most Powerful Detachable PC
Whether you're a designer, editor, photographer or artist, you need a computer that's as powerful and versatile as you are creative--enter the HP ZBook X2, the world's most powerful detachable PC. What's that mean? A machine that works as a laptop, tablet, or docked workstation capable of responding to e-mails…
HP Envy Curved All-in-One PC
Whether you're an Apple fanatic or not, it's hard to argue with the fact that they make some seriously sexy hardware. But as the world waits for Apple to finally put a fresh spin on the iMac, HP has swooped in and crafted something equally gorgeous. The HP Envy Curved…
HacBook Elite Is an HP That Runs Mac OS X
We love our MacBooks as much as the next guy or gal, but they're nowhere near as cheap as a "hackintosh" alternative. The HacBook Elite runs OS X for 1/3 the cost of a Mac out of the box. The package and guts of the HacBook Elite are a refurbished…
The HP Sprout Is the Next Evolution in Computers
Most improvements in computing involve faster speeds and more storage, but every once in awhile an evolutionary step takes place that turns the computer on its head. The HP Sprout is an example of the latter. There's no keyboard and no mouse, just a smart touch mat, a 23-inch touchscreen,…
HP Touchsmart All-in-One PC
It doesn't get much cooler than this PC. Not only is it all about simplicity and sleek design, it only requires you plug the power cable and you're set. A wireless keyboard, mouse and remote are at your disposal, but the real reason it's completely awesome is in the fact…