Showing 10 results for articles tagged with Halloween:
Classic Halloween Movies Every Guy Should See
Halloween has come a long way from its origin story of the day when the souls of the deceased returned to Earth. These days, instead of preparing for the arrival of the souls of our loved ones, many instead opt to watch festive, spooky, and downright terrifying movies (while consuming…

Misfits’ Walk Among Us Is the Best Halloween Album
Pour one out for Halloween 2020. COVID and bad weather left the spookiest night of the year on the bench last October. Lonesome jack-o’-lanterns sat unadmired by trick-or-treaters, costumes stayed on hangers, and parties were canceled at the last minute under the strain of unseasonable precipitation and the threat of…

The Best Halloween TV Episodes
Ah the seasonal episode. There's something so charming (usually) when your favorite sitcom abandons its premise and celebrates whatever season is happening when the episode airs. My personal favorite iteration? The Halloween special. Across any TV show format, the Halloween special episode is perfect for visual gags, a spooky atmosphere,…

5 Non-Horror Directors Who Should Make a Horror Movie
If there’s a better sign of horror’s vitality, popularity, and open-endedness in 2021 than David Gordon Green’s resuscitation of the Halloween series, then we haven’t seen it yet. Green got his start directing independent dramas like George Washington and All the Real Girls, taking occasional pit stops for the odd…

The Best Halloween Horror Movies to Stream Right Now
Halloween is right around the corner. Last year, the spookiest of holidays was canceled due to COVID and godawful weather, which makes Halloween ‘21 a chance at redemption and a reason to double down on celebrating the season. Costumes. Decorations. Jack-o’-lanterns. Way too much candy. Scary movies. Not everyone likes…

This Haunted House Will Pay You $20k If You Finish It
That's right. $20K in your pocket... if you finish. To date, no one has finished. And it's not some quick walkthrough where you can close your eyes through most of it while holding hands with your friend. This one is 8-10 hours long, and you go solo. Sans friends, sans…

We Melted All Our Halloween Candy Together to Make the Ultimate Candy Bar
Ask 10 people what the best Halloween candy is and you'll get 10 different answers. It's a topic most are fairly passionate about. (The correct answer is Take 5, by the way.) It would seem, then, that there's simply no way to make every party guest or trick-or-treater happy on Halloween. Or is…

The 7 Best Horror Podcasts to Gear You Up for Halloween
For some, the supernatural is a guilty pleasure they’d get ridiculed for if brought up in polite company. For others, they still get made fun of, but they don’t care because they eat these stories up. We’re somewhere in the middle, with a strong appreciation for a good ghost story,…

5 Haunted Airbnbs You Can Stay In This Halloween
When we think of Halloween, we don’t think of stale candy corn and store-bought costumes. We think of gory horror movies, haunted houses, and things that go bump in the night. But it's not always enough to limit that stuff to pop culture and secondhand stories. Sometimes we want to…

Win a Night at Dracula’s Castle in Transylvania
There are quite a few great things to do on Halloween, but nothing like being able to spend a night at Dracula's Castle in Transylvania. Bran Castle, the inspiration for the castle in Bram Stoker's Dracula, is available for a one night, two guest stay as part of a special…