Showing 25 results for articles tagged with Guitar:
Get a Piece of Music History with Paul McCartney’s 1988 Les Paul
Whether you like the Beatles or not, you can’t deny that Paul McCartney’s influence in the music space has been felt for nearly six decades. Because of this, owning one of his guitars could be considered, by some, to be Shroud of Turin-level bragging rights. Right now, his 1988 Les…

Back the Mogabi Travel Guitar on Kickstarter
Mogabi did a hell of a lot more with their travel guitar than just making a more portable electric instrument. They basically made a portable recording studio and stuck it inside a foldable guitar. To use it, take it out of the case, unfold the audio box from the neck,…

Stay Home: Now Would Be a Good Time to Learn to Play the Guitar
Since we’re all stuck inside, we decided to do some digging to find useful products to help stay productive, occupied, entertained and fit while you Stay Home. For as long as we can remember, we've always wanted to learn to play the guitar. We've noodled on the six-string off and…

Bass Guitar String Bracelets
Every kid dreamt of being in a rock band, but very few dreamt of being the bassist. It was always the instrument you got relegated to; a few notches above the triangle. We will say this however, the heavy duty strings make for some good looking bracelets. Each 9” Bass…

Stash Stainless Steel Bass
It's hard to stand out as the bassist. Usually the singer, lead guitarist, or, hell, even the drummer get more face time. Well, if you're a bassist with three grand burning a hole in your pocket, you can change all that. The Stash Stainless Steel Bass Guitar is the only…

Rock Recycled Guitar String Bracelets
Somewhere there is a guitar string graveyard. Random strings that popped out or got destroyed are lying in a ditch never to rock again. No one will ever yell, "FREEBIRD!!" at them again. That's kinda sad. Some of those old string are getting another life, however, thanks to these handmade…

Skateboard Guitars
Making guitars out of weird materials is not a new concept, but few of those weird material mashups end up look as good as these Skateboard Guitars from Buenos Aires artist Ezequiel Galasso and his company Skate Guitar. Ripped up, shredded skateboard decks painstakingly transformed from trash into musical treasure--and…

A Visual Compendium of Guitars
Packing arenas and accruing a pool of groupies is a dream every young guy has at some point in his life. For most of us, the way to try and make that a reality is by picking up a guitar. Unfortunately, for all the fingertip calluses out there, very few…

Fabian Ciraolo Illustrations
Most art starts a conversation. It evokes the Cubist mentality, or the human condition or blah, blah, pretentious words, blah. Fabian Ciraolo's Illustrations are so impressive that they could be described in many of the same ways, but we like them because they're so f'ing cool. Where else are you…

Olaf Diegel 3D-Printed Guitars
Guitars are inherently cool. You can take the cool up a notch or two by getting a limited or special edition from one of the big manufacturers, or even by having your existing one customized. But you'll be hard-pressed to find one as cool looking as one of Olaf Diegel's…

Sinuous Guitars
"If it ain't broke, don't fix it," would be a good summation of the history of guitar design. Whatever axe you choose to play today, won't be so dissimilar from the ones the Stones, Zeppelin (unless Jimmy Page brought up a double neck) and older legends carried out on stage with…

Form2 Touch-sensitive Guitar
Restringing a guitar is like agreeing to watch kids that aren't yours. It's fun and exciting the first time, but each time after that it gets progressively worse until you dread each day it comes like a trip to the dentist. The Form2 Touch-sensitive Guitar does away with that entirely…

Guitar Gear
There comes a point in every guy's life when he contemplates learning guitar. Often it stems from a belief that playing "Stairway to Heaven" will make panties fly off. Those who stick with it past the initial fingertip callouses usually end up dedicating a large portion of their life to…

iTar iPad Guitar
iPads are fantastic media consumption devices. Netflix, games and music are never more than a finger tap away from occupying you for hours at a time, but they've been much for media creation (email doesn't count as media). Until now that is. Pledge $200 or more to Starr Labs and…

Voyage-Air Guitar
Despite its name, this is not some instructional air guitar video that will train you in the skills of shredding to some AC/DC in your tighty-whities on top of the bed. It is luckily something far, far better for the real guitar player out there. Normally traveling with your guitar meant…