Showing 3 results for articles tagged with Ellusionist:
Magician Finally Reveals the Secrets Behind Killer Card Tricks
Let's be honest, some part of all of us has always wanted to be a magician with a fancy card trick to bust out at parties or on the street. Renowned magician and Studio52 founder Ben Earl is here to make all our dreams a reality with Unreal Card Magic,…

This Kit Will Teach You How to Control Minds
Yes, you read that correctly. Mind control is real, and you can learn how to do in just a few minutes with no prior experience or special skills. The brain child of Ellusionist and Peter Turner, this "Guerilla Guide to Influencing People for Entertainment" will let you fascinate, captivate and…

This Kit Will Teach You How to Control Minds
Yes, you read that correctly. Mind control is real, and you can learn how to do in just a few minutes with no prior experience or special skills. The brain child of Ellusionist and Peter Turner, this "Guerilla Guide to Influencing People for Entertainment" will let you fascinate, captivate and…