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Klhip Nail Clipper

Klhip Nail Clipper

We’re fans of any product that takes a simple problem we didn’t even realize we had and fixes it.  So, when we saw the Klhip the self-proclaimed “Ultimate Nail Clipper” – a nail clipper that requires less pressure, leaves us with smoother nails and keeps the clippings off the floor around our toilet – we were sold.  Then we saw the price.  If we need to set aside cash to buy a nail clipper, it may be a little pricey for our liking.  Still, if you’re a baller with crazy nail clipper money, we totally endorse picking one up.  The Klhip is reverse engineered so you’re pushing down right above the blade for better results.  It’s smart, helpful and the first nail clipper we would consider putting in our will.