Movember is more than half way over and Have Sex With A Guy With A Mustache Day has come and gone, but that doesn’t mean the men dedicated to painting face canvases with badass ‘staches are through. There are still quite a few men working hard – or hardly working – on their fanny dusters. Stachetag is a website dedicated to documenting the good, the bad and the awesome in the world of the ‘stache. The process is simple, you go to the website and upload a photo (or tweet with #stachetag) and you end up in a gallery of men bound and determined to fix prostate cancer (and get laid) – one mustache at a time. It’s a new – much more awesome – take on the Twitter #hashtag. Go check out all the bikers, reynolds, zappas and fumanchus, and make sure to add yours if you’re working on an epic fanny duster.
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