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GIVEAWAY: Dosh Wallets

GIVEAWAY: Dosh Wallets

You can tell a lot about a man by his wallet. Fat, skinny, credit cards, cash, Costanza, money clip – the possibilities are as endless as the outcome. And therein lies the rub. If you go with a standard tri-fold leather wallet nestled uncomfortably in your back pocket you’re going to ruin your jeans, your wallet, and your ass. If you were to, say, stow your valuables in a wallet created out of a super scientific polymer that’s highly durable and water resistant you would spend so much time showing people your wallet that it wouldn’t spend any time in your pants. A Dosh Wallet is just such a wallet. Now you can have one of seven $65+ Dosh wallets – for free.

GIVEAWAY – Contest Closed
Congrats Joseph, Joe, Matt, Johnny, Zachary, Jesse, and Dennis

Seven Dosh wallets ($60+ each) for seven lucky readers and all it takes is Facebook.

To enter – Like Cool Material on Facebook and leave a comment on the Dosh Giveaway post (on Facebook).

We’ll choose 7 winners 11/05. Good Luck.

Check out the full line of Dosh Wallets

The wallets:

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