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Evolution of Guitar Rock – Without Guitars

Evolution of Guitar Rock – Without Guitars

So there’s this magazine you may have heard of called Rolling Stone and they published a list of what they believe to be the 100 greatest guitar songs of all time. Of all time! L.A. band Crash Kings took that as a challenge and played the most notable parts of the best guitar songs of all time – without a guitar. They only use a bass, drums, and a Clavinet (it’s like an electric guitar that you play like a piano – with a whammy bar). It’s the best video we’ve seen since the one with double triple rainbows. It’s kind of like Keane – if Keane didn’t suck.

There’s something for everyone to get down (we got slightly up too) with in this Crash Kings jam, but if you don’t have 4:20 to spare make sure you check out 1:12 in for the transition from Bohemian Rhapsody to Back In Black.