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Hacking Whiskey

Hacking Whiskey

We’ve sipped our fair share of whiskey, so perhaps it’s time to try something new. Not a new spirit, mind you, but rather new ways of enjoying our favorite booze. Hacking Whiskey: Smoking, Blending, Fat Washing, and Other Whiskey Experiments from author Aaron Goldfarb takes whiskey enthusiasts on a journey to learn about fascinating ways they can play with their beverage of choice. From homemade blends to unique infusions, you’ll find more than a few new ways to down your Jack Daniels. What kind of crazy hacks are we talking? How about doing bone marrow luge shots, infusing your whiskey with marijuana smoke, or blending different bourbons to make Poor Man’s Pappy? We are down for any and all of it. You can pre-order Hacking Whiskey now and receive it when it hits shelves on September 25.