In case you never saw the movie Wanted, the most redeeming aspect of the film–save the crazy Dodge Viper car chase scene–was the character’s ability to bend bullet trajectory to their will around corners. Hasbro’s Nerf wants to capitalize on that CGI technology with their new line of Rival Curve blasters that actually allow them to fling their foam projectiles around corners to hit targets you can’t even see. This technology–available in three different blasters slated for released throughout 2021–is based on your ability to adjust the barrel of each of the different foam firearms: twist left or right to shoot around corners, up to shoot straight or down to lob projectiles over cover. There haven’t been any confirmed release dates yet, but it’s expected that the Nerf Rival Curve Shot Flex and Sideswipe blasters will land in March with the Helix being released (exclusively at Target stores) in August.
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