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Elevenplus World Clock Rolls To Display 12 Different Time Zones

Elevenplus World Clock Rolls To Display 12 Different Time Zones

Figuring out the current time in a location other than your own has never been easier. With smartphones, apps and hundreds of time conversion websites, you’ll never have to do time zone math in your head ever again. So why do you need a clock? We could say it’s because batteries die, GPS can be inaccurate or you could not have access to the Internet, but with the Elevenplus World Clock it’s really just a matter of design and interaction. Set your local time zone on the clock, unlock the mechanism in the back and roll it to get the hours (minutes stay the same, obviously) in one of the twelve time zones (24 cities) printed on the outside of the clock. Since it comes in Modern Gray, Midnight Blue and Orange Passion, there’s an option for every desk or piece of luggage. Yeah, you don’t need a world clock, but one that’s this fun might be worth purchasing anyway.