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Tatt Book: Visionaries of Tattoo

Tatt Book: Visionaries of Tattoo

Chances are you won’t stumble upon on any amazing works of art in your life without stepping foot in an overly pretentious museum. It’s not like some dude is going to be walking along the beach with the Mona Lisa hanging from his neck like a Flava Flav timepiece. So, while you might have to brave the sweaty masses and overpriced gift shops to see classical works of art with a lady friend, you could be lucky enough to see something more modern. While running into someone with ink from any of the artists in Tatt Book is unlikely, if it were to happen, you’d want to appear knowledgeable, so study up. Tatt Book showcases the work of the greatest artists whose medium happens to be other people’s skin. The book features work from the men and women who have put tatts on the likes of Marc Jacobs, Ad-Rock and more.