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Ghostkube Is a Kinetic Sculpture Based on Moving Origami

Ghostkube Is a Kinetic Sculpture Based on Moving Origami

Erik Åberg is an artist based in Stockholm, Sweden who makes objects and performs all over the world. His latest creation is Ghostkube, a sculptural piece inspired by moving origami that you can actually own without taking out a second mortgage. Ghostkube is a series of different cubes you assemble yourself that are connected together to turn it into a three-dimensional structure that can be manipulated to change shape in different ways. It’s kind of like a combination of a kinetic sculpture, building blocks and a Hoberman sphere in that it’s fun, interactive and damn near impossible to put down. Once assembled, you can make your very own sculptures that walk, flip, expand and transform into a number of different shapes in a way that can only be described as mesmerizing. Should you want to display your creation in one of its incredible forms, all you need to do is insert a loose keystone brick to lock it into place.