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Assholeology: The Cheat Sheet

Assholeology: The Cheat Sheet

Degree firmly in hand, Chris Illuminati has graduated Summa Cum Asshole with a degree in Assholeology. The first should-have-hit-the-bestseller-list self help book was more of an overview about what it means to be an asshole. At some level, it was still learning and – as you know – there’s always more of that. This time around, the newly crowned Asshole prince is taking you on a whirlwind tour of situations where you can apply your asshole knowledge to get whatever you want. It’s perfectly applicable advice that will consistently leave you on top, without looking like the universally hated douchebag. It’s like Applied Science except this time we actually understand it. If he can get away with it (he doesn’t even have a Wikipedia page!), then so can you. And he’ll teach you how.