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Try This Now: White IPA

Try This Now: White IPA

Beer trends often flare up and burn out before the general public even hears a whisper. Some oddities stick – color changing mountains and lime flavoring – but mostly they’re just for the real beer geeks. One trend bubbling up right now that we feel you should know about is the white IPA. Why do we dig it? Well, it takes the creamy sweetness of a good wheat beer and combines it with the hoppiness of an IPA. We’ll leave the bickering over whether or not it’s a true IPA to the hardcore beer crowd, and just tell you, it’s damn tasty. Here are some to get you started.

1. Harpoon 100 Barrel Series White IPA – Link

2. Galaxy White IPA – Link

3. Linchpin White IPA – Link

4. Chainbreaker White IPA – Link

5. Blue Point White IPA – Link

6. Sam Adams Whitewater IPA – Link

7. Boulevard Collaboration #2 with Deschutes White IPA – Link

8. Saranac White IPA – Link

9. Flying Tanker White IPA – Link