If you don’t remember Pyro, it was the fastest way to transform yourself into a character from Street Fighter—without all the training. Pyro is back and better than ever as Pyro Mini. The device has been reduced in size by over 50%, which makes it small enough to be hidden under a credit card. There’s a built-in trigger on top of the device that allows you to shoot a fireball from the palm of your hand at the push of a button, but there’s also a remote with antenna that allows you to shock people from a different room all together. The people at Ellusionist also added USB recharging so you’ll never need to buy batteries again. Most importantly, there’s now a burst fire mode that lets you shoot two fireballs at once. We’re not even magicians and the idea of shooting fireballs is one we can get behind.
Side note: For a great selection of gifts for men, check out the CM Men’s Gift Guide >