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The Moondrop Desk Toy Imitates the Moon’s Gravity

The Moondrop Desk Toy Imitates the Moon’s Gravity

If you’re anything like us, you fidget with plenty of toys, gadgets and gizmos while on conference calls, in boring meetings or just pretending to work. The Moondrop desk toy displays gravity on your desk while still allowing you to pass the time between interesting things at the office while giving you something tactile to fidget with. Moondrop imitates free fall on the Moon, Mars or Earth with aerospace grade materials and some clever applications of physics. CNC-machined from aluminum or copper, Moondrop drops the slider at a rate consistent with the gravity on the Moon (aluminum ring) or Mars (copper ring) using strong magnets and the application of Lenz’s law. And if you want to compare either of those falling rates to those of the Earth, just unscrew the top and remove the magnets. Whether you’re flipping, sliding, spinning or combining Moondrops, the “toy” is one hell of a great way to kill some time while still being able to observe gravity from multiple places.

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