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Vintage Leather Glove Wallets

Vintage Leather Glove Wallets

We’re going to go out on a limb and say that there isn’t anyone reading this who hasn’t had “a catch” with someone they cared about before. Maybe you tossed around the ball with your old man, or your grandpa, or your mom, or maybe it was Little League growing up. We’ve all probably stuck our hands into the supple leather of a baseball glove, and it’s a feeling like no other. Fielder’s Choice is repurposing vintage leather gloves from the likes of Rawlings, Nokona and Wilson and turning them into some of the coolest card carrier wallets we have ever seen. Each wallet is 100% handmade and one of a kind. It’s obviously not going to help you catch any pop flys, but that’s nothing more than an afterthought with a wallet that looks like this.