When a company describes themselves as a multi-hundred dollar one, you absolutely need to purchase whatever it is they’re selling. Go directly to Casual Industrees site, select your favorite Seattle-bred design, and add to cart. If you need more reasons to shop, the brotherly operation is run out of a a garage, which houses a screen printing press, orders are filled in the basement, and every room is an office (excluding the bathrooms).
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Iron & Resin’s Cruiser Jacket Is Built to Tackle Just About Anything
The Cruiser Jacket is a weatherproof beast blending rugged Alaska waxed cotton canvas and Klamath flannel for unmatched style and durability. Break it in, and you’ve got a one-of-a-kind adventure companion.
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The best winter hiking boots keep your feet dry and warm while allowing for mobility on and off the trails.
Skip the Ugly Holiday Sweater. Wear This Instead
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