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Paintball Robot

Paintball Robot

At some point in your life you wanted to build a robot and be on Battle Bots. It could have been when you were a kid, or five years ago, or even yesterday, but that moment exists. Building things with your bare hands isn’t just something you enjoy doing, it’s essential in some way to our continued existence as men. Depending on how much Tim “The Toolman” Taylor you have in your blood, you too can build one of Chris Rogers’ Paintball Robots. He started with a RC monster truck and turned it into the Remotely Operated Mobile Platform by upgrading the shocks, gearing and electronics. After that it became the WROMP because he Weaponized it by adding a paintball fun. Throughout the various iterations he’s also had versions capable of traveling 50mph, pulling people and one with armor plating. By pledging at least $260, Chris will send you complete plans to build your very own ROMP platform.